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Flea London at Hackney Bridge

Browse the best vintage finds with the Flea London Market every Sunday from 11am – 5pm.

Art and culture

Just a 15-minute walk from Stratford Cross, Hackney Bridge’s Flea London is the place for unique vintage finds. Whether you’re looking for clothes, music, antiques, or art, Flea London has it all. Find something to complete your favourite outfit, pick up the perfect gift for the friend whose style you’ve always admired, or pay a visit to the produce section and try some of the finest local cheeses, breads, and sweet treats. 

Spread across Hackney Bridge, you can spend an afternoon lost in this historic flea market looking for your next vintage purchase. 

  • 22 October 2023 - 20 October 2024
  • Hackney Bridge, Units 1-28, Echo Building, E15 2SJ
Sunday, 22 October
11am - 5pm
Sunday, 20 October
11am - 5pm